Join Now

Join Now

Join Near West Family Network today to support clean, safe, and family-friendly neighborhoods in Cleveland’s near west and downtown neighborhoods!

Membership is open to anyone who is interested in supporting our mission and values. As an independent, volunteer-driven organization, the suggested Membership Donations of $10/year provide our single largest source of revenue. Your membership dollars provide Near West Family Network with the opportunity to sponsor special activities, arrange discounted field trips, publish monthly e-updates, etc.

If you are already a member and are visiting this page to Update Your Profile or Renew Your Membership:

-Enter your First Name, Last Name, and Email Address, and click Subscribe at the bottom of the form
-You will be informed that you are already a subscriber - select Click here to update your profile.
-You will be sent an email with a link to update your profile.
-If you are renewing your membership, please be sure to click Update Profile even if you have no changes!

Membership Form

* indicates required

I am joining Near West Family Network as:

Spouse/Partner Information (if applicable)

Please send me:
  • General A
I am interested in helping out!
I have interests or the ability to help in the following areas

I prefer the following email format

Annual Membership Donation (optional)

Donating now as part of your membership helps NWFN achieve its mission. We are able to leverage the membership donations with additional funding from our sponsors and partners to bring a variety of fun, educational, and community-building activities to our entire community at low or no cost. However, to keep our network as inclusive as possible, we stress that the membership donation is completely optional.

Our suggested annual membership donation is $10